
You can create courses for patients (and soon organization members!) to take. Each course consists of different weeks, sections, and lectures. Each lecture can be a video with a reading, a reading by itself, or an assessment.

Courses can be paid or unpaid. For paid courses, they can require a one-time payment or a recurring payment. You can choose to auto-charge for courses or show a payment modal to the patient when they are enrolling in a course.


Part 1: Create a course product (EMR)

If you are creating a paid course, you must first create a Stripe product for it. There you can set the pricing for the product (including whether it should be a recurring charge or not).

Follow the instructions here to create your product.


Step 1: Create a course (EMR)

To create a course:

  • Go to the EMR (e.g.
  • Click on the hamburger menu on the top left corner > Settings > Courses
  • Click "Create a course"
  • The "Add Course" modal will pop up. In it, set:
    • Name: Course name
    • Description: Course description
    • Welcome message: This welcome message will be shown to patients once they enroll in the course
    • Cover photo: Cover photo for course
    • Is Paid: Whether the patient needs to pay for enrolling in the course or not
    • Auto-charge if possible: This only applies if the course is paid. Whether you want to auto-charge the patient's credit card when they enroll in the course if they have billing information on file. If the patient doesn't have their billing information on file or this option isn't selected, a payment mdodal will be shown to the patient before they complete enrollment.
    • Product: This only applies if the course is paid. Select which Stripe pricing product applies for this course.
  • Click "Create Course"
  • Click "Add week" to add a new week to the course
  • Click "Add section to add a new section to the course
  • Click "Add lecture" to add a new lecture to the course. Each lecture can be:
    • Video: Set the name of the lecture, upload a video, and set the reading for the course. You can write in HTML and CSS to stylize how the reading appears to patients.
    • Reading: Set the name of the lecture and set the reading for the course. You can write in HTML and CSS to stylize how the reading appears to patients.
    • Assessment: Set the name of the lecture and create an assessment.