Core concepts
You can automatically scribe notes to save valuable time during appointments.
NOTE: This scribing feature currently only works for notes that have a SOAP note section.
Scribe note (EMR)
To automatically scribe a note:
- Go to the EMR (e.g.
- Click on the hamburger menu on the top left corner > Patients > Click on "View chart" for the appropriate patient
- Find the note you want to scribe and click on it
- Toggle the dropdown next to Edit Note to "Edit Mode"
- Click "Record"
- Press the microphone to start recording
- Record your appointment
- Press the stop icon when you are done
- Wait for up to a minute while the audio processes
- You'll be redirected to a modal with the auto-generated SOAP note
- Edit the text in the boxes as you fit
- Click "Add to Note" when you are satisfied with the text in the SOAP note. This text will be added into the SOAP note section of the chart note.