Set up

Referring Providers

The referring provider is the provider who directed the patient for care to the provider rendering the services being reported.

For more details, check out our API documentation on referring providers.

Create referring providers (EMR)

To create a referring provider:

  • Go to the EMR (e.g.
  • Click on the hamburger menu on the top left corner > Settings > Referring Providers
  • Click “Create a referring provider”
  • Fill out the requisite information:
    • First and Last Name: First and last name of the referring provider.
    • Organization: Organization that the referring provider belongs to.
    • Specialization: Specialization of the provider.
    • Email, phone; NPI: Email, phone, and NPI for the provider.
    • Usable By: Which medical centers can use this referring provider. If Usable By All is set to true, all medical centers can use the referring provider. Is Usable By All is set to false, only the listed medical centers can use the referring provider.
  • All information set is autosaved so click “Finish”

Edit or delete referring providers (EMR)

To edit or delete referring providers:

  • Go to the EMR (e.g.
  • Click on the hamburger menu on the top left corner > Settings > Referring Providers
  • Click on the referring provider card that you want to edit/delete
  • If you want to edit, modify details of the referring provider as desired and click “Finish”
  • If you want to delete, click the “Delete” button in the lower righthand corner
Service facilities