Core concepts

Provider v. Support Tiers

All organization members are on either the provider or support tier. This distinction primarily matters if your on the per provider plan, where each provider tier seat comes with one free support tier seat. If you are on the tiered SaaS plan, you can have unlimited members on both the provider and support tiers.

Provider Tier

The provider tier is for any member that is directly delivering care to the patient.

Only members on this tier can:

  • Host appointments with patients
  • Have a zoom account
  • Order prescriptions
  • Order labs
  • Order imaging
  • Sign and lock notes, care plans, and documents

Support Tier

The support tier is for any member is in a back-office role and doesn't need to directly interface with patients. This usually includes front desk staff, schedulers, administrators, and billers.

Members on the support tier can still:

  • Be global and local admins
  • Message patients
  • Be invited to appointments (both with patients and internal-only sync)
  • Be on care teams
  • Have their own calendar