
Video Call Integration

We partner with both Zoom and Doxy for running video call appointments.

Zoom Integration


You need a Zoom Pro or higher account. When creating your organizations' Zoom account, you need to sign a BAA with Zoom.


To get your Zoom API keys:

  • Go to
  • Sign in
  • Click on the “Develop” dropdown in the upper right and click on “Build Server-to-Server App”
  • Set "{{Company Name}} Zoom App" as your app name and hit "Create"
  • On the App Credentials tab, copy the Account ID, Client ID, and Client Secret and paste them in Onboarding Typeform that was sent to you
  • On the Information tab, add:
    • Short description for the app
    • Company name
    • Your name
    • Your company email address
  • On the Features tab:
    • Copy the secret token and send it to your Avon contact
  • In the "Scopes" tab, click "Add Scopes" and add the following scopes:
    • Under the scope type Meetings > View and manage all user meetings, add:
      • Create a meeting for a user (meeting:write:meeting:admin)
      • Update a meeting (meeting:update:meeting:admin)
      • Delete a meeting (meeting:delete:meeting:admin)
    • Under the scope type Users > View all user information, add:
      • View a user (user:read:user:admin)
  • On the Activation tab, click "Activate your app"

After you've sent over the API keys to your Avon contact and they have confirmed that they have added the credentials into the system, go back to the Server-to-Server app:

  • Go to the Features tab and scroll down to the General Features section and:
    • Toggle "Event Subscriptions" on
    • Add the subscription name "Avon Webhook"
    • Select "Webhook" as the method
    • Add in 'https://{{base_subdomain}}', where {{base_subdomain}} is the custom subdomain given to your company for all of your API endpoints (e.g. If you have not received your {{base_subdomain}} yet, skip this step for now. We will revisit it later.
    • Under "Add Events," select "Start Meeting" and "End Meeting"
    • Click "Save"

Doxy Integration

No integration is necessary to use Doxy with Avon. You can use the Doxy free tier or any higher tier.

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