

You can create courses for patients (and soon organization members!) to take. Each course consists of different weeks, sections, and lectures. Each lecture can be a video with a reading, a reading by itself, or an assessment.

Courses can be paid or unpaid. For paid courses, they can require a one-time payment or a recurring payment. You can choose to auto-charge for courses or show a payment modal to the patient when they are enrolling in a course.


Part 1: Create a course (EMR)

First, create a course.

Follow the instructions here to create your course.


Step 1: Take a course (Patient Portal)

For a patient to take a course:

  • Go to the patient portal (e.g.
  • Click on the hamburger menu on the top left corner > Courses
  • Click "Find a course"
  • Browse all available courses and click "Enroll" on the desired course
  • Pay for the course if necessary
  • If the enrollment is successful, the patient will be navigated to the "You've been enrolled in {{Course Name}}" page
  • Click "Back to Home"
  • View all available enrolled courses and click on "Continue" to take a course
  • Click on the different weeks on the sidebar to navigate through different weeks of the course
  • Click on different lectures within each section of each week to view the lecture

Step 2: Take a course (EMR)

We are adding the ability to create courses for organization members and take them in the EMR soon!
