

You can create tasks and assign it to organization members or patients.


Step 1: Create a task (EMR)

To create a task:

  • Go to the EMR (e.g.

  • Click on the hamburger menu on the top left corner > Patients

  • Click on the “View Chart” button of the appropriate patient

  • There are two ways to create a new task

    1. Click on “Add” button on the top right corner and select "Task" in the dropdown
    2. Pick the "Tasks" shortcut in the patient panel on top bar
  • Fill out the requisite information

    • Name: Name of the task
    • Patient: Verify that the patient name, MRN, and date of birth are accurate.
    • Description: Description of task
    • Link to: Which note, care plan, or document this task is related to. Leave these fields blank if this task is associated with any note, care plan, or document.
    • Due date: When the task is due.
    • Assigned to: Which organization member or patient this task is assigned to.
    • Priority: Priority level for the task. Can be low, medium, or high.
    • Share with patient: Whether this task should be shared with the patient and shown in the patient portal. If you want tasks to be shared with the patient, you must also ensure that the access controls for patients for "Can view tasks" is set to true.
  • All information set is autosaved so click “Finish”

Step 2: Mark task complete (EMR)

To mark a task complete:

  • Go to the EMR (e.g.
  • Click on the hamburger menu on the top left corner > Patients
  • Click on the “View Chart” button of the appropriate patient
  • Either:
    • Scroll through the patient’s chart to find the desired task OR
    • Click the "Tasks" shortcut on the topbar and scroll to find the desired task
  • Either:
    • Click "Mark Complete" on the task card
    • Click the task card, scroll to the bottom, and click the "Mark Complete" button

Step 3: View, edit, and delete tasks (EMR)

To view, edit, or delete tasks:

  • Go to the EMR (e.g.
  • Click on the hamburger menu on the top left corner > Patients
  • Click on the “View Chart” button of the appropriate patient
  • Either:
    • Scroll through the patient’s chart to find the desired task OR
    • Click the Task shortcut on the topbar and scroll to find the desired task
  • Click on the task card to go into viewing mode
  • Toggle the top dropdown to go into editing mode
  • Scroll to the bottom right-hand corner of the card to find the “Delete” button (NOTE: the “Delete” button is only visible when you are in editing mode)